Gadgets and ToysReviews

iQOS Tobacco Heating System Review


Even though the warranty for the iQOS is 12 months, you will need to get it back to the country of purchase. In the major cities of Japan, there are actual service centers for iQOS, which gives you an idea on how fragile the iQOS is.

I know of around 50 smokers who have switched to using an iQOS, and every single one of them have had they iQOS fail, either from accidentally dropping it (it’s more fragile than glass), to either the battery in the holder or the circuit board within the carry charger failing.

So if you do start using an iQOS, take good care of it.


Verdict & Conclusion

If all the science blurbs are to be believed, then switching over to using an iQOS is slightly better for you and others around you than smoking an ordinary cigarette. Within a normal cigarette, to maintain the burn without it going out, all sorts of additives are added to it. In the process of heating up a heat stick, these additives are not needed so the manufacturers have omitted them. 

Using an iQOS is a bit of a chore, with having the charge the holder and then the carry case, and then there’s the very regular exercise of keeping it clean.

I see the iQOS as a great stepping stone in helping me quit smoking entirely, but because of the how fragile it is, how hard it is to get it serviced, and the scarcity of buying another one (took me 2 months), I’m only using it at home.


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