
5 Geeky Hobbies You Need To Try!

The nerds shall inherit the Earth… so let’s get well-rounded when we’re in charge! If programming and writing code sounds like a great day to you, then you’re ready to expand your free time to even more detail-oriented activities. 

Check out these cool hobbies you might just fall in love with!


1. HAM Radio

Pick up a variety of Moonraker antennas, and you’ll be hopping on the airwaves in no time. Amateur HAM Radio brings together technology and communication in an old-school analog way. 

You’ll gain a basic knowledge of radios and frequencies then pass an FCC test to join the ‘Amateur Bands.’ You can communicate with classic Morse Code, your voice, and even send computerized messages through satellites. 

Learn HAM Radio, and you’ll be opened up to the world of pre-internet communication, plus you’ll be called upon during disasters when regular lines of communication fail.


2. Board Games

Board games are a fun way to unplug while still scratching the itch of details, rules, and world-building. Sit down with some friends and watch the hours fly by while you compete and conquer, all on the table in front of you. 

If you truly have a passion for tabletop games, why not try making your own? Start with a theme (medieval? space opera?), develop the mechanics (dice rolling? spinning wheel?), set the limits (number of players, length of each game, etc.), and then test, test, test! 

Keep playing with your friends until your new favorite game has popped out of your imagination.


3. Model Building

This extremely popular hobby is perfect for when you are tired of your LEGO creations and ready to make something with your hands. Model kits come with many small pieces of metal, wood, plastic, and detailed instructions on how to create the model on the box. 

This hobby is more than just following instructions, as you’ll find the first few times you attempt to glue balsa wood together and find a sticky mess. It requires intense focus and patience to build a model out of over 100 pieces. 

As you get more advanced you’ll graduate to painting each tiny piece to perfect your scale replica. With practice, you can bring anything to life, from the International Space Station, to a Formula 1 Racer!


4. Calligraphy 

Want to create timeless letters steeped in history? Well, calligraphy is a hobby for you. While cursive has been going out of style for a while, calligraphy might be what captures your interest in handwriting again.

For centuries, only the most talented scribes were trusted with the power of quill and ink. Skilled calligraphers research Medieval texts and pour through tombs discovering old and inspiring black letter and gothic styles. 

All you need to get started is a ruler, a pencil, and some drip pens (and plenty of time to make mistakes). Before you know it, your handwriting will rival Microsoft Word fonts!


5. Home Brewing

The hobby is guaranteed to make you a few friends. Whether you want to make some fresh mead for your next evening of Dungeons & Dragons or just experiment with unique flavors, home brewing is rife with creativity. 

You’ll need a kettle, an airlock, an auto-siphon, and then whatever ingredients you want to add to the grains. Making your own beer is rewarding, fun, and a sure-fire way to make your home a new watering hole!


Break Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Take up a new hobby you’ve never considered and dive into new experiences. Nerds are experts at deep diving into the unknown, so try something new and expand your horizons!


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